Winter Solstice on a Wordless Wednesday

A picture from the Vancouver Lantern Festival on Solstice
A picture from the Vancouver Lantern Festival on Solstice, taken at Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens in Chinatown
Wintery Lions Gate Bridge on a Wordless Wednesday
Vancouvers Lions Gate Bridge, seen from Stanley Park on a winter night
Vancouver's Lion's Gate Bridge, seen from Stanley Park on a winter night
Skating on a Wordless Wednesday
An abstract painting?  No, its the glass door to the skating rink on Robson Street, with the Olympic logo
An abstract painting? No, it's the glass door to the skating rink on Robson Street, with the Olympic logo

Image by Carol Browne

Winter 2009 Market Update

Nicholas Meyer’s latest video market update for Winter 2009 is posted on the Downtown Suites News Site. If you are viewing this info in your feed, here’s the video:

Looking Out Onto A Kitsilano Street

looking out the window on the first day of snow - in vancouver (kitsilano)

This Wordless Wednesday image was taken by gmark1
