Quality Customer Service

I am quite pleased with your services, and with working with you as an individual. I highly recommend you to anyone I know that is looking for property management (and will continue to do so). It is unfortunately becoming rare these days for many companies to understand the meaning of quality customer service, business integrity, thoroughness, and care. We are so happy we found you and your group.

Russell Westbrook, California, USA (2 properties)

I Value Nic’s Opinions

I value Nic’s opinions as they have always been realistic, honest and reliable and I thank him for sharing his views with us.

T.Chiang, Vancouver

You Really Saved Me…

You really saved me with all that was going on there, Nic. I’ve thought about it a number of times and wondered how far it all would have gone had I not found you on the internet. Keep up with those videos!! That’s what did it for me, and then when we met, I could tell you were “the real deal” and that you practiced good business with and valued your clients. Vancouver almost ended in a bad experience for me overall, but you turned that around, and I will be ever grateful for that. You can put this on your website if you want! 🙂

Client Relationships

We really value our relationships with our clients, but it’s especially great when they tell us they appreciate our work for them too. Our investor clients follow our updates online, and we get good feedback on the info in our videos, so we will keep them coming.

Two recent comments worth sharing:

Jacob Ball said: “I’d like to thank you for your help over the years Tanja along with the entire staff at Downtown Suites for their excellent work and attention to every detail.  I am extremely pleased and look forward to working with you all again in the future.”

Bill Egan in Long Beach said: “…Also, I wanted to offer thanks for the excellent service I have received from yourself and your staff. We look forward to continuing our arrangement with “Downtown” into the future. “
