If You Can Afford to Rent, You Could Be a Homeowner.
Architect Avi Friedman scoured the globe for new housing forms we could apply in Canada.
Build smaller. Build smarter. “Bend your mind.”
That zen-like advice comes from a Montreal-based architect who’s been dubbed one of the 10 top people worldwide “who will most influence the way we live in the next quarter century” by Wallpaper magazine.
Renowned McGill University professor Avi Friedman sat down with Tyee Solutions Society during last week’s BC Non-Profit Housing Association conference to argue that working and middle class Vancouverites needn’t give up on owning their own home.
Drawing heavily on ideas picked up during a recent worldwide design tour, the 62-year-old United Nations World Habitat Award-winner spelled out his vision for affordable homes….. Read full article in THE TYEE
You Could be a Homeowner – from the Tyee